Payment is required at the time of service by cash or check. In some cases, credit card may be an option, but is not guaranteed.
Accounts with a current balance due will be required to pay in full for services rendered at time of service.
Calls scheduling routine or non-urgent appointments will be scheduled with priority given to clients with zero balances.
A Finance Charge of 1.5% per month equaling 18% per annum will be charged on all account balances past 30 days.
Unpaid invoices will be processed and mailed each month.
A telephone reminder may be given on any account that is 7 days past due.
Accounts that are 60 days over due may be handled by an Accounts Receivable Management Firm.
At the discretion of Dr. Johnson at the time of servicing an emergency, a deposit of at least half of the estimated total is required at time of service.